Healthy Habits Around Technology
Last year, I was featured in a Motherly article about doomscrolling and I think it continues to be a problem for a lot of parents. It is so normal to feel confused about what might be happening with your baby and to wonder what it is normal, especially for first time parents. Just because the internet is there, it doesn’t mean we should go to it immediately.
It is common, especially for mothers, to feel like we need to be perfect. That is impossible though. We are going to make mistakes and that is how we learn. Every baby is so different and what works for one, most likely won’t work for another. That is why it is so easy to go down a spiral when seeking out information online.
Here are some healthy habits that can combat the desire to doomscroll:
Reach out to family and friends before looking online. It will help you feel more connected to your social supports and they will have the best insights to share.
Call your pediatrician. It is better to get advice from a medical professional who has actually met your child. Pediatricians can support you around teething questions, sleep challenges, and toileting concerns.
Do not sleep with your phone next to your bed. It will combat the urge to be online if you are having trouble falling asleep and it will keep you from reaching for it first thing in the morning.
Turn off notifications, sounds, and badges. By doing that, it will keep you in the present moment with your family and not distracted by things that can most definitely wait.
Take a walk outside every day without your phone. I used to do this all the time when my daughter was younger and it was so freeing. It really helped me simply enjoy being outside and being with her.